Wednesday, October 28, 2009


halloween is just a few days away. some doods suggested canceling it this year, but then some other doods said that we needed something to take our minds off what was happening and that's how things turned out. so, there's going to be a big halloween party in the town square on saturday night. everyone's going to bring whatever treats they had so we won't have to go traipsing all over town trick or treating. i guess that's okay. wandering around at night's half the fun, but i guess we all have to accept that things aren't exactly normal here in chester's mill these days. romeo burpee's going to set up his tent again and this time he says he won't charge for anything.

i guess a few of the local cops were out of town when this dome happened, so the cmpd is still recruiting new members. my uncle chuck was in town so maybe there's hope for him getting the job yet. some of the new ones they've already added aren't very nice doods.

helped miz shumway put together the next edition of the democrat last night and my posse and me are going to deliver it this evening. today's the normal day for delivery, so this won't be a special edition. miz shumway is so funny. the last time we went out delivering she told us the democrat hadn't used delivery boys (or girls, cuz norrie was there, too) in thirty years. "i don’t want to celebrate the reintroduction of the practice with one of you getting hit on the corner of Main or Prestile." ha! i told her that would most definitely be a bummer.

people aren't driving their cars as much any more, anyway. they're starting to get worried about pollution.

i'm going to try to follow the world series on twitter. go phillies!


  1. After a week of confinement, why are townspeople so calm and not frantic to escape? Face it: Chester's Mill may have been isolated to protect the rest of the country. Or the world!
    Who or what is in there with you, Joe?

  2. sure, people are freaked out and want to get out of here, but there's nothing we can do. there's no way through, under or over this stupid force field. we don't have anything in town to try to break through it. all we can do is wait for someone on the outside to solve the problem or for it to go away. it just showed up, after all.

  3. Is there anything going on outside the dome? There's not anything on the news about you guys so someone's keeping a very tight lid on the situation.

  4. a bunch of army doods are outside the dome wherever people could approach it from other towns. we don't really know if anything's going on beyond that. they won't let anyone get close, even though we could probably talk to them through the dome. it'd be rad if my dad could come up and talk to us.

  5. Joe, I think you should try to dig a tunnel under the dome, you could probably get out that way.

  6. Have you had any contact at all with your father since this went down?

  7. SCJ, Hey man hang in there. There are many dedicated people here on the outs working on the dome problem. I can't go into exactly what but it has to do with lasers....hold tight, bedbugs wont bite, it'll all work out, like KA in the night....stay strong

  8. some doods already tried to dig a hole under it. they gave up at a hundred feet when they hit bedrock. the field goes right through the rock. how far down -- who knows, but it goes up for miles!

  9. yeah, we stay in touch by e-mail and iSight. he's in a motel down in oxford hills.

  10. lasers? dood -- just don't fry us all!
